Thursday, April 9, 2009

Summary of April 6 Meeting

Good meeting on Monday - quick summary of my notes ...

1. wrap-up for Money Savvy at Muessel went well, Jeopardy game is a creative, fun
way to test knowledge. (thanks for sending the questions)

2. Brady / Kwabe have had some good responses in recruiting volunteers.
Need to determine how to keep in touch with them and keep them informed
about next year's work... (brilliant idea to share the kids' thank you notes)

3. Need to figure out design and updating of web site to make it an
actionable tool for volunteers.

4. For april 17 meeting - potential agenda -

(a) 45 minutes - introduction re: School, Inc. mission and "practice"
post-it exercise -- (e.g., positives and negatives of volunteering)

(b) 1 hour - two teams - La Familia and Money Savvy split out
and do separate post-it exercises, in preparation for filling out
planning templates.

(c) 1 hour - report outs on key conclusions and subsequent action steps.

5. To do's for April 17 planning:

(a) schedule a room - I've scheduled room 133 in the Executive MBA wing -
this is the first room after the lunch room - (Urbany)

(b) Draft the "planning templates" for each group -- (Kwabe, Brady)

(c) Invite participants (please start inviting now - I'll send a general note) -
Let's call it "School, Inc. 2009-10 Planning Session " (Kwabe, Brady)

(I will definitely send something to Heather and Carmen )

(d) Get whatever supplies we need - post-its, flip charts, copies of
templates (Urbany)

6. Our next meeting: Monday April 13, 5:00 p.m.

April 9 update:

+Room 133 in the Exec wing is scheduled for our April 17 meeting 1-4; we should be
able to use the break out rooms across the hall, too.

+I've heard from the following folks who will plan to be at the meeting Apr 17:

LA FAMILIA TEAM: Dave, Trea, Maureen, Karen.
Heather will be in NYC and can't come; haven't heard from Carmen

MONEY SAVVY TEAM: Brady, Kwabe, John, Cait (pending interviews)
Geoff will be in Chicago with the AIM class.

+Probably need to shorten proposed agenda above; that's easy to do

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